Data Backup / Data Recovery
Most people don’t appear to make backups of their most valued files. And if they do, most of them don’t keep them up to date or safe. Should your computer or hard disk decide to give up the ghost, how would you feel about losing all your photographs, your music, your videos, your genealogy research, your business documentation or your novel or latest poem. It’s a disaster that can be easily avoided by making backups to some other form of storage and keeping it separate from your PC. If you need help setting up a sensible backup mechanism that works for you then let us know, we can come and advise you, and even set it up for you. If however you are reading this and thinking “If only I had done that!” then you should know that most of the time data can be recovered from an apparently dead computer or one that won’t start properly. The hard disk may not be fit to start windows or your PC / laptop may appear to be completely dead, but that doesn’t mean that your data is necessarily gone. Call us and we will do what we can to get you those important files back.
It is also worth pointing out that an apparently dead or completely unreadable hard disk drive (even with advanced tools), can often be repaired. This usually involves the physical swapping of components on the hard disk drive itself and is usually carried out by specialists in a ‘clean’ environment. This can be a very expensive process, but if it’s the only copy of your valuable data then it may be worth it to you. The moral is though – make a backup and you won’t need to do this!
Get in touch today to see how we can help.